Empowering women to live what’s possible.

Coaching Closes the Gap Between You and Your Dreams

Welcome to Nu Yu Life Coaching! I’m so glad you stopped by. If you are tired of feeling stuck and are ready to make your dream your reality, you’ve come to the right place.

Just like you, I’ve had my share of struggles like perfectionism, fear of failure, overwhelm, diabetes and divorce. By the grace of God, I persevered, learned a lot and am now thriving. And you can too.

Regardless of how you got where you are or how long you’ve been there, I’ll help you clarify your vision, regain your momentum and close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Together, we’ll craft a plan to empower you to finally live what’s possible.

I am a Certified Professional Life Coach with the Professional Christian Coaching Institute, an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a Strengths Champion Certified Coach, a Certified Organizational Specialist and am Prepare-Enrich certified. 

To learn more about coaching with me, click below to schedule a complimentary discovery call. I can’t wait to connect.

Master-Full Coaching with Beverly Lucas

To learn more about the life coaching process and to hear one of my live coaching sessions, click below.

  • “A goal is not about what you accomplish, It’s about who you become.”

    Michael Hyatt

  • "Our greatest fear should not be of failing, but of succeeding at things that don’t matter."

    Stefan Youngblood

  • We use the past as “Context" not “Concrete.”

    Andy Andrews

  • What you see as a mess, God sees as a message and a miracle already in motion.

    100 Days of Believing Bigger

Let’s begin your journey

I’ll be with you every step of the way.