I coach women to live beyond today’s reality to what’s possible.

Meet Beverly

I’m Beverly Lucas. I was born in Pennsylvania, raised in New Jersey and now call Maryland my home. I have three incredible adult sons, one fabulous daughter-in-love, and one precious granddaughter. My long, winding road to coaching started in higher education, then to graduate school for a Master’s Degree in Marriage & Family Therapy, home to rear and homeschool my three sons, then back to work after divorce. God wastes nothing!

As Director of the Counseling & Soul Care Ministries at my church it is my privilege and honor to minister to the most vulnerable among us. I am blessed to witness the healing power and grace of God in the lives of hurting people. But, not everyone is hurting. While running a small professional organizing business, I discovered the power of partnering with women on a mission. As founder and CEO of Nu Yu Life Coaching I encourage, equip and empower women to push past their limiting beliefs, dream big and win. 

When I'm not counseling, organizing or coaching, I find sheer joy in worshipping and serving the Lord, indulging in a captivating book, cherishing the company of close friends, savoring delectable seafood dishes, gleaning home decor ideas from HGTV, and laughing heartily at the timeless classic, I Love Lucy.