Group Coaching

Group Coaching Overview

In group coaching a small group of 8-10 women come together around a theme like identity in Christ, overcoming divorce,  or struggles with forgiveness. While the women share some common experience around the theme, each woman comes to the group with her own unique challenges and goals. Group coaching provides a safe place for you to rediscover YOU and to pursue YOUR dreams with the added benefit of learning and receiving support from each other. Each themed session will include activities, tools and customized action steps to help you reach your goals. For your safety and convenience all groups are conducted virtually.

Unless otherwise noted, all groups consist of eight 90-minute weekly sessions. See the group coaching fee and payment schedule below. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are gladly accepted. Dates, times and fees are subject to change.

Group Coaching Pricing:

1 Payment: $350 ($300 for Existing Nu Yu Clients) 

2 Payments: $180 Deposit ($155 for Existing Clients) & 2nd Payment Due Prior to Week 4


Pursued & Passionately Loved

When was the last time you felt adored, cherished, sought after, accepted, understood, safe, and intimately loved? Join this transformational coaching group to meet or rediscover the Lover of your soul, who you really are in Christ and the abundant, productive and joy-filled life  you were created to live. Come as you are, but leave feeling more deeply loved than ever before.

8 Keys to Holy & Healthy Relationships

This engaging and interactive coaching group will empower you with eight essential keys to cultivating holy and healthy relationships. Drawing from biblical principles, practical wisdom, personal and professional experience, this group will equip you with tools to adopt a growth mindset, valuable insights and actionable steps for personal and relational growth that align with God’s design for your life.

Forgiveness to Freedom

At some point in our lives we all experience profound hurt, pain or disappointment. When we have been offended, it may be extremely difficult to even consider offering forgiveness to those who hurt us so deeply. Sometimes, we are the cause of others’ pain. When we are the offender, we often long for forgiveness but the feeling of unworthiness leaves us feeling guilty, ashamed and empty. Whether you are the offended, the offender or both, unforgiveness is a cold cell that locks us away from the joy, peace and freedom that Christ offers. The good news is that the cell is locked from the inside. Join the Forgiveness to Freedom coaching group to receive the keys to put the past behind you and lasting freedom before you. 

True & Free

Have you ever been deceived about a relationship, the value of something you really treasured, something about yourself or even about God? In genuine disbelief have you ever asked yourself, “How in the world did I get here?” Well, just like our sister, Eve, it all started with a lie. In this 8-week coaching group, you will identify the lies that have you bound and the truth that will usher you into the wisdom, peace and freedom that Christ offers. Join or refer a friend expecting God to expose the lies, reveal the truth and set you free.

Single & Soaring

This group coaching program was designed to encourage and empower single moms to live beyond today’s reality to what’s possible. Each  themed session will include activities and tools to help you develop a growth mindset, take better care of yourself, rediscover your purpose, own your emotions, build and protect healthy relationships, parent like a pro, master your finances and more. Get ready to soar!

Purpose & Progress Over Perfection

We all know that no one is perfect. Yet, fear and perfectionism cause many of us to question our ideas, abilities and even our self-worth. We talk ourselves out of pursuing the very thing we were created to do. This powerful group will help you reframe your thinking so that you can focus on your purpose and celebrate your progress on the way to your destination.  

Real Rest for Busy Women

If you can complete the next sentence, this coaching group is for you. “As soon as I finish this task, I’m going to …” But, before you can finish, another task finds its way to your plate. You’re exhausted, frustrated and empty. The struggle is real. Come learn how create margin and give yourself life-giving rest for your mind, body and soul so that you can focus on what matters to you most.

Dream to Destiny

Life is okay, but you know deep in the crevices of your heart that you were created for much more. You question whether you heard God correctly. Could this bold dream really be His will for your life? How will you handle the naysayers and your own doubts? Who will support your pursuit of such a big dream? Your joy and radical success are outside your comfort zone. If you feel called to touch more lives, use your gifts to broaden your influence and deepen your impact, this 8-week coaching group is for you. Learn how to trust God and what He has placed in you to lead you out of familiarity to your destiny.


Individual Coaching